Megumi Morita
Megumi Morita is a beautiful 54-year-old woman with a mysterious past. She was found by Hitoshi at the age of 23 when Oda Nobunaga invaded and destroyed Enryaku-ji temple. Hitoshi saved her at the request of the monks who had been protecting her and hid her in a cave for 3 months before sending her to his hometown to be cared for by his grandmother. They married 2 years later when he quit the army, after which she bore him six daughters.

Megumi is highly intelligent, quiet, thoughtful, independent and more powerful than even she realizes. While the details of her lineage past still remain a mystery to her, she can sense some of the power that she contains and can use Holy & Healing Magic to a small degree. Since she was always trained to hide her powers and keep them in check for unknown reasons, she uses them cautiously and only when necessary.